Estate Map and Sale Particulars , Brampton, Derby, 1890

This item references 17 individuals with dates spanning from 1889 to 1889.
The surnames Ashmore, Bocklehurst, Buxton, Douglas, Gaunt, Greenwood, Holmes, Hopkinson, Irving, Key, Marsh, May, Potter, Randall, Shooter, Webster and Wright are referenced.

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A large coloured map of Brampton, Chesterfield, Derbyshire measuring approx 62cm x 51cm and including the sales particulars relating to 24 properties in 15 lots relating to a sale at The Market Hall Chesterfield on 25th September 1890.

The sales particulars include a list of tenants as well as some handwritten annotations detailing who the properties were sold to. Properties include "The Cottage", "Haddon Cottage", "Stoney Croft", "Rough Meadow", Flatt Meadow", "Quarry Field" and "Moor Close". The map is very easily transposed onto a modern map of the area and existing roads and ways are easily identifiable.

The item is folded four ways

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Estate Map and Sale Particulars , Brampton, Derby, 1890
Estate Map and Sale Particulars , Brampton, Derby, 1890 - Image 2
Estate Map and Sale Particulars , Brampton, Derby, 1890 - Image 3
Estate Map and Sale Particulars , Brampton, Derby, 1890 - Image 4
Estate Map and Sale Particulars , Brampton, Derby, 1890
Estate Map and Sale Particulars , Brampton, Derby, 1890 - Image 2
Estate Map and Sale Particulars , Brampton, Derby, 1890 - Image 3
Estate Map and Sale Particulars , Brampton, Derby, 1890 - Image 4
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