Naval Ephemera – Proclamation from King Neptune, that Phillip F Mayne crossed the Equator, 1962

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Lovely piece of naval ephemera relating to Phillip F Mayne, "who on the 25th day of May did sail across the Latitude 0.

In committing this offence the aforementioned mariner did undergo the penalties laid down, and passing the same to the satisfaction of his Majesty and his court, did then pay homage and become a humble servant to his Majesty from that time on

Signed for H.M. King Neptune 31 May 1962"

The image of King Neptune with a savage looking razor, a shaving brush and a bucket of soap may give some indication as to the penalty laid down.

The Line Crossing Ceremony is well documented on it's Wikipedia page

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Naval Ephemera - Proclamation from King Neptune, that Phillip F Mayne crossed the Equator, 1962
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